It’s Not About Rankings, It’s About RELATIONSHIPS

For me, it’s not about rankings it’s about RELATIONSHIPS. However, when the reports come out, it allows me the opportunity to say Thanks and articulate my appreciation. The mid year numbers are out for 2023 and I’m so proud and honored to be ranked in the Top 50 out of 17,000 Realtors as it relates to sales production and closings. This marks nearly 10 years in a row that I’ve been ranked in the Top 1% and consistently in the top 100. So much work and sacrifice goes into maintaining a successful business and I am so grateful for such great support and advocacy from so many that allow me to thrive in the career I love. THANK YOU for your trust, friendships and referrals. Means more than words could ever describe. Additionally, I couldn’t do what I do without Christina Torsiello and Eric Holtzman assisting in the day to day and all of the behind the scenes work that’s so vital to our continued success. Love you guys!!????


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